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Tone by definition is the contrast between light and dark in varying degree and colors. In other words :tone is the lightness or darkness of how something appears.

tone also can be known as the "luminosity" of the composition...

Tones are created by the way light falls on a 3 dimensional object. The parts of the object on which the light is strongest are called highlights and shadows.

Tones sets the mood of a photographic image

tone is probably the most intangible foundation of a photographic composition.

It is often the hardest for photographers to grasp and understand and achieve. It is what creates the "liveliness" of a photo.

Often photographers call tone the "pop" of an image ... this is what gives viewers their first impression of an image. What makes the image "jump out"remember the old saying:

- "you can never have a second impression"

The photographic foundation of tone defines the lightness or darkness of a color The tonal values of any color can be adjusted to alter its expressive character. This could be a shade or how dark or light a colors appear.

Tone is probably the most intangible foundation of a photographic composition. It is often the hardest for photographers to grasp and understand and achieve.  It is what creates the “liveliness” of a photo. Often, photographers call tone the “pop” of an image…this is what gives viewers their first impression of an image, what makes the image “jump out” to the viewer…remember the old saying: "You can never have a second first impression”


Tone Sets the Mood of a Photographic Image

Tone is very powerful in that it can be used to create and set a “mood” in an image.

By setting the mood of a composition, tone adds to the first impression your image gives off

An image consisting of extra dark or somber shades conveys mystery, intrigue, or sadness.When the shades are mostly light and airy, such as with soft pastel colors of powder blue, pink, and pale yellow, the picture portrays lightness, joy, or airiness. Contrast between bold primary colors like red, blue, green convey a sense of celebration, loudness, or a world more full of life When there is little contrast and the tones are muted, there is a sense of calming and quietness. Use of glowing colors & diffused light creates a warming mood of peace and faith. Brighter, sharper colors & direct light creates a mood of excitement and being alive.

The photographic foundation of Tone defines the lightness or darkness of a color. The tonal values of any color can be adjusted to alter its expressive character. This could be a shade or how dark or light a color appears.


Uses of Tone

  1. to create “pop” with contrast between light and dark colors

  2. to create “mood” such as dramatic, mysterious, or tranquil atmosphere.

  3. to create the illusion of form.

  4. to create a stronger sense of depth and distance.

  5. to create a stronger sense of rhythm or pattern within a composition.

The tone in this picture is quite dark,a chill down the spine,the kind of death in which the air grasps... the tone is quite dark as you can tell and it really does set the mood.

This is the image before the effects were added,you can see a big difference in the tone of my photo.This one is my favorite all tho I wanted to make an example with the atmosphere.

The picture of the dog shows how a lighter tone can change the way you feel about the picture,he has a sad face yet it feels happy at the same time.In film this is a dutch tilt.

2018 tones

Tone by definition is the contrast between light and dark in varying degrees and colors .In other words Tone is the lightness or the darkness of how something appears. 

Tone also can be known as the luminosity of the composition...

Tones are created by the way light falls on a 3D object. The parts of the objects on which the light is strongest are called highlights and the darker areas are called shadows. There will be a range of tones in between the highlights and shadows.

Tone sets the mood of a photographic image.

Tone is probably the most intangible foundation of a photographic composition. It is often the hardest for photographers to grasp and understand and archive. It is what creates the liveliness of a photo. Often, photographers call the tone "pop" of an image... this is what gives the viewers their first impression of an image, what makes the image jump out to the viewer... remember the old saying: "you can never have a second first impression"

the photographic foundation of Tone defines the lightness or darkness of a color. The tonal values of any color can be adjusted to alter its expensive character. This could be a shade or how dark or light a color appears.

Tone can be used: create "pop" with contrast between light and dark colors

2. to create "mood" such as dramatic, mysterious, or tranquil atmosphere create the illusion of form

4. to create a stronger sense of depth and distance

5. to create a stronger sense of rhythm or pattern within a compostion

The picture of the pond here looks like it was taken from a time when cameras were older,I wanted to use this effect to show how times haven't really changed in nature as much as we think. Even tho erosion happens or human intervention... 

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