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eye level view

Juxa position view

The example here show that the window allows use to see what is out of the cameras view and creates interest

in what is being seen... 

the eye level view is basically you looking around from your position,so walking and look around is you using your eye level height.This helps in a relative way as we see this way and have something in a photo show us that but in a frozen state can make it magical.

Worms eye view - Imagine you were a little worm crawling around in the plants... This is what you would see as you move around,the view point of you as the worm is slightly tilted up and also shows how big the grass blades are to you. 

Becoming the Subject View - When an animal or a human like you and I, we would see from our prospective . When you see this picture you are seeing what I saw in a more realistic way and you are also able to see the object "subject" that I am holding.

Bird's Eye View​ - When a bird such as a hawk flies around it is looking for pray below to feast on . In this picture you can imagine what a humming bird would see as it flies around looking for pollen .

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