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Texture is that quality that makes ans image seem like it could be experienced thorough touch, or taste, or sound, or smell.

Texture exist in the surface details of your subject.It is that quality that makes an otherwise two dimensional object seem like it could be experienced through senses other than sight, can feel smooth, or rough, or cold, or hot, or damp, slick, or soft, or sharp,or grainy, can sense the smell of flower or the salt air, can taste the flavor of food, can hear the sound of the breeze or the roar of a lion etc.

No foundation of photographic art is more capable of moving your deep emotions than texture.This makes your audience more connected to your image,the challenge of seeing and capturing texture with a camera is mostly based on one quality:the available light.

Texture can be accentuated by the side of early sunny mornings or early evenings with heavenly shadows.texture can be accented also by overhead light when the sun is vertical and high in the sky to create smoother brighter surfaces. With the sun high in the sky, the roughness of the surfaces is emphasized as the overhead lights cast small shadows along those surfaces. While the imapct is subtle. it adds more depth, interest, and reality to the shots.Texture also shines extra on surfaces that are wet wood, leaves, metal, rocks, skin. Texture as a background can create an exciding and emotion-filled composition. And with the correct use of texture, pictures can become more and almost three dimensional. Examples of this 3d effect are rocks with small shadows scattered all over the surface which creates a texture that shows some depth.Some of these textures are show below.

I love the texture in this picture so much. I can see so much detail on this animal and it really shows how amazing nature is.From the wings to the hairs on its body it really is cute.The flower is also is beautiful and I have never seen the detail on them before until now.

The flower is lovely with its nice green leaves and texture of one them,the plant it's self is full of life and the texture truly speaks for it.

2018          textures|    


Have you ever looked at a photo in a cook book or magazine and commented that the food looks so good you could probably practically taste it?


Or you looked at a picture under the stars and could hear the silence?


Or looked at a picture of a harbor at Sunrise and you could smell the salt in the misty morning Breeze?


Or looked into a picture and you could feel the soft cool sand shifting under your feet, or feel the delicate edges of the flower petals on your fingertips, or the jagged shards of a broken window, or the warmth heat from the glowing sunbeams.


what really connects you into the essence of the photograph is texture when a photo makes a person want to touch it, you have your audience hooked. Images using texture effectively speaks not only to the eyes, but to as many of the other senses as they possibly can. this way, they  speak to the heart and are powerful and captivating .


Texture is defined as the surface details of anything   in a picture. it is that quality that makes an image seem like it could be experienced through touch, or taste, or sound, or smell.


Texture brings up memories your audience has two similar situations and scenes they have experience so they can interact on a more personal level with and image.


textures exist in the surface details of your subject. It is the quality that makes and otherwise two dimensional objects seem like it could be experienced through senses other than sight, it's can feel smooth, or rough, or cold, or hot, or damp, or  slick, or soft, or sharp, or grainy, you can sense the smell of a flower or the Salt Air. you can taste the flavor of food, you can hear the sounds of the breeze or the Roar of a lion or noises of a city or Silence of the Stars, Etc.


no Foundation of Photography Arts is more capable of moving your emotions then texture. This makes your audience relate to and be more connected to your image.


the challenge of seeing and capturing textures with a camera is mostly based on the ones quality the available light.


texture can be accentuated by the side  light of early Sunday mornings or early evenings with heavy Long Shadows


texture can be accented also buy overhead light when the sun is vertical and high in the sky to create smoother brighter surfaces. With the sun high in the sky, the roughness of the walls of buildings, or the wood textures of tree trunks, or any kind of texture along vertical surfaces is emphasized as the overhead light casts a shadow.


While the impact is   subtle , it adds more depth, interest, and reality to the shots.


Textures also shine extra on surfaces that are wet: wet wood, leaves, metal, rocks, skin.


 light color are Creed's feeling of warmth or cold red/ orange equal warm, blue green equal cool.


texture as a background can create an exciting and emotion-filled composition. Texture in the foreground can help create nice leading lines into an image. And with the correct use of texture in the subject, Texas can become more alive and almost three dimensional, allowing the audience emotional connections with the memories of feeling.


Leading lines getting into a picture, textured keeps you they're experiencing the picture... So, when you take an image, ask yourself these questions if you were inside your picture:


what would you smell?

What would you here?

What made you taste?

What could you touch?


technique tip for texture:


try to focus on the sense of touch in your images have your images let people imagine what  would feel like to be touching and sensing the things in your composition.

The pavement is rough it makes low pitched noises as you walk on it. It's everywhere around us anyone with some outdoor experience would understand the role it plays in our lives from the travel of cars to the sounds of the city. 

The dirt and the simple plant life reminds me of some hiking trails around my area, I would feel each grain of dirt and also hear the scuffing noises it makes on my shoes souls. The feel of the soil itself is quite dry probably due to the weeds that purge the water.

When I took this picture I thought about my experiences cooking with this type of lettuce. The feel of it is very smooth and when you eat it; it has a nice crunchy texture.

The poppies always give me a sense of warmth and rarely the sent can be detected,mainly when they are in groups but these plants play in important role in the environments foliage.The beauty of the sensations coming to a persons senses. I have also used other flowers in this category. The sense of smell can be picked up by some of these plants and that is one of my components here,to make memories reoccur of such things.

This texture is chaotic as planned, it evokes a sharp touch but the plant itself is quite soft and that is the kind of thought I wanted to seek out of people.

The star shaped weed is the main focus and a thought that one might say is that I don't want to touch that. Yes as intimidating as it seems it isn't what you think it is but for one thing its touch is irritating.

The hair like plant part shows softness and is a more peaceful object to look at in general. The isolated plant in the midst of the weeds...

The flowing water in a fountain reminds us of how we used this device,relaxing as the water splashes on to the fountain making a satisfying sound.

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